Monday, May 7, 2012

recommended art exhibitions this week

Two great exhibitions to go to in London this week: Wimbledon Art Studios Open House 10-13 May. Various artists opens the doors to their studios in a warehouse-type house in Wimbledon. A good variety of quite unknown artists: sculptures, paintings, drawings and other creations. A lot of junk, but a lot of goodies too, so well worth a visit!  I´m going to check out the following artists: Arabella Stewart who makes beautifully simple scetchings:

 Elisa Cantarelli with her pink telephone:

 Matt Kemp using recycled and used materiels for his art:

 and Maria Genko with her really nice clothes:

Also open 10-13 May The Other Art Fair is an exhibition where you can buy art directly from the artist. 500 artists applied, 100 were chosen for the exhibit. None of the artists are represented by a gallery. Yet...  Marelybone Rd NW1.

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